Dr. Larrabee is the President of the International Scientific Committee for the International Facial Plastic Surgery meeting in Rio Brazil in May. He will lecture on his Rhinoplasty, Facelifts, and his work on the Global Burden of Surgical Disease. This is a test.
Read his JAMA article on the GBSD
Dr. Larrabee is known for his “Northwest Rhinoplasty” which preserves tissue whenever possible and simply rearranges it – it is thus a “Green” Rhinoplasty.
His facelift technique emphasizes vertical vectors or pull on the deeper structural tissue fixed to strong anchoring points. This gives natural and long lasting results. The technique is described in his book: The Art and Craft of Facial Rejuvenation. Larrabee Facelift
Below is Dr. Larrabee’s introduction to the meeting. You can also view the site here: https://bit.ly/1VfRZWy
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
These are the most exciting times for scientific change in the history of facial plastic surgery. These changes are global with each region of the world contributing unique insights and developing innovative techniques. The rapid advancement of non-surgical procedures is also a global phenomenon. New aesthetic paradigms, combined with novel devices and products, create novel opportunities to combine surgical and non-surgical treatments. In four magical days in May we will bring together the best facial plastic surgeons in the world to teach and discuss with you every aspect of the specialty from advanced aesthetic procedures to state-of-the-art reconstructive techniques. The program will be very interactive, featuring panel discussions by world leaders in each specialty area in addition to “hands on” courses, didactic lectures, free papers and keynote presentations. The entire spectrum of our wonderful specialty will be covered from lasers and fillers to specific surgical procedures. As always, rhinoplasty will be a core topic throughout our meeting. The last international meeting in Rome was, for me, the most educational in my career. With the same ingredients – a global faculty, interactive sessions, and fantastic organization by the president- this scientific program will meet and may even perhaps surpass the educational standards we reached in Rome. Please join me in Rio for this sentinel meeting in the history of our specialty. We all have events in our lives we remember for their social as well as scientific significance. This will be one of those events. You simply must attend. I would like to thank Dr. Patrocinio and his organizing committee. They have done an amazing job to create this meeting for us. See you in Copacabana!
Wayne Larrabee
President, International Scientific Committee